Jesse’s Bluff Covenants & Restrictions require prior approval of any improvements/changes to the property or exterior of your home. This may include, but is not limited to: changes or additions to fencing, paint color, garage addition, storage shed and/or pet enclosures. Please include the following information with your request:
- Describe the improvements or changes requested. Plans and specifications including the following:
- Dimensions (length, width, height)
- List of building materials (foundation, siding, roof, etc.) (i.e. wood, brick, stone, etc.)
- Paint color (siding & trim) (paint chips or manufacturers product number are necessary if changing the paint color)
- Roofs (outbuilding and patio cover roofs shall be built to match home i.e. same shingles and eaves to match existing roof)
- A copy of your property plat map to show location of improvements. A drawing must be included (hand drawn is acceptable)
To avoid a returned request please make sure you have included all of the above listed items. It takes approximately 14 to 28 days to process a request when all the information is received. A member of the architectural committee may ask to see the property and site of the improvement for clarification. If you have any questions, please call our office 315-4372.
You will receive written notification as soon as the committee has made their decision. NOTE: The Architectural Review Committee’s approval is for Jesse’s Bluff Homeowners Association purposes only and is not to be considered code approval. Separate approval may be required from City or County agencies.It is the home owner’s responsibility to obtain said approvals. Evidence of approvals may be requested by Architectural Committee at time of installation of any approved change.